Knowing Your Numbers, With Ray Rike

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This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30 Metrics are essential to measure, manage, and predict performance in revenue. But when almost everything is trackable these days, exactly what do you need to keep your finger on? In this episode, Warren and Lupe are joined by Ray Rike, Founder and CEO (Chief Evangelism Officer) at RevOps Squared. They discuss the staple and expanded metrics sets for every CRO, explain how you can use metrics to help better understand and align your revenue teams (and why CEOs are responsible for clearing that path), three actions to include during your CRO-prep years, how to transition your metrics, who should be a CRO's right hand person on metrics, plus why you need to check you're collecting and actioning your metrics right. 🔗 LINKS Connect with Ray on LinkedIn. Find out more about SaaS Metrics Palooza here. You'll find Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn too. Be CRO ready from day 1 with Warren's CRO Accelerator course here. This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30

Metrics are essential to measure, manage, and predict performance in revenue. But when almost everything is trackable these days, exactly what do you need to keep your finger on? 

In this episode, Warren and Lupe are joined by Ray Rike, Founder and CEO (Chief Evangelism Officer) at RevOps Squared. They discuss the staple and expanded metrics sets for every CRO, explain how you can use metrics to help better understand and align your revenue teams (and why CEOs are responsible for clearing that path), three actions to include during your CRO-prep years, how to transition your metrics, who should be a CRO's right hand person on metrics, plus why you need to check you're collecting and actioning your metrics right. 


Connect with Ray on LinkedIn. Find out more about SaaS Metrics Palooza here
You'll find Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn too. 

Be CRO ready from day 1 with Warren's CRO Accelerator course here.

This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
Knowing Your Numbers, With Ray Rike
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