Revenue Growth and Values Are Intrinsically Linked, With Susan Sobbott

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This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30 In the growth-at-all-costs market today it can seem idealistic to want values at the forefront, but what if we can have both? In this episode of the CRO Spotlight, Warren and Lupe are joined by senior advisor and board member Susan Sobbott. Spending 18 years of her career at American Express, Susan has a deep understanding of both what is usual, and what is important, when it comes to businesses balancing values and revenue. Find out the question you should be asking at every job interview, how to shine values into a role even in an challenging environment, and the number one skill that will help you rise in your career. 🔗 LINKS Connect with Susan, Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn. If a self-generated pipeline is what's valued at your company, empower your team to do it with the Create Pipeline. Find out more here. This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30

In the growth-at-all-costs market today it can seem idealistic to want values at the forefront, but what if we can have both? 
In this episode of the CRO Spotlight, Warren and Lupe are joined by senior advisor and board member Susan Sobbott. Spending 18 years of her career at American Express, Susan has a deep understanding of both what is usual, and what is important, when it comes to businesses balancing values and revenue. 

Find out the question you should be asking at every job interview, how to shine values into a role even in an challenging environment, and the number one skill that will help you rise in your career. 

Connect with Susan, Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn. 
If a self-generated pipeline is what's valued at your company, empower your team to do it with the Create Pipeline. Find out more here.

This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
Revenue Growth and Values Are Intrinsically Linked, With Susan Sobbott
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