Humanizing Your Revenue Strategy, With Steve Travaglini

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This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30 The positive impact of valued employees extends far beyond lower turnover. In this episode of the CRO Spotlight, Warren and Lupe are joined by Steve Travaglini, CRO at LinkSquares. In this episode, they dive the task of operationalising revenue, the beauty of the career journey, and why keeping your people in the forefront of your mind with every strategy decision is a major key to success. 🔗 LINKS Connect with Steve, Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn. Help your sales team succeed by helping them become the best professional salespeople they can be. Find out more about the Create Pipeline course here. This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30

The positive impact of valued employees extends far beyond lower turnover. 

In this episode of the CRO Spotlight, Warren and Lupe are joined by Steve Travaglini, CRO at LinkSquares. In this episode, they dive the task of operationalising revenue, the beauty of the career journey, and why keeping your people in the forefront of your mind with every strategy decision is a major key to success. 

Connect with Steve, Warren and Lupe on LinkedIn. 
Help your sales team succeed by helping them become the best professional salespeople they can be. Find out more about the Create Pipeline course here.

This episode is brought to you by Growth Forum - sign up for 30-days free, use the code: GROW30
Humanizing Your Revenue Strategy, With Steve Travaglini
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