The Evolution of Prospecting with Mike Schumann

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How do you prospect in a declining market? Prospecting is evolving. Top of funnel pipeline creation is essential to enabling growth but the strategies that worked yesterday need to change in order to be successful in 2023 and beyond. 

During this episode of the CRO Spotlight Show, Warren is joined by Mike Schumann, who is the CRO at Revenue Base and has spent the last decade as a revenue leader for venture-backed companies. Mike shares his background and how he became a CRO.

Main Takeaways from the Podcast:
  • The ideal CRO should be a steward of revenue and functions that participate in revenue generation from marketing, sales, customer success, etc.
  • They need to be a steward to the CEO and watch out for the company's interests
  • The CRO should possess strong business acumen, high technical skills as it relates to reporting and metrics, and professional skills
  • Professional skills refer to being a steward of people, setting a tone for the team, and being of service to the company
  • A successful CRO should bring energy to the team and help the people around them level up their games
  • When interviewing a potential CRO, the ideal candidate should possess incredible personal and professional skills, be a great leader, a great coach, and a great visionary
  • Technical skills can be taught, but professional skills are more about who you are, and a CRO who lacks professional skills can make people uncomfortable and suck the life out of the team.
The conversation also delves into the balance between technical expertise and leadership qualities, with the Mike advocating for the importance of the latter. 

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Growth Forum is a place to Connect, Learn and Grow. Launching February 2023 Growth Forum has a new prospecting program to help Sellers take control of their pipeline. 

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The Evolution of Prospecting with Mike Schumann
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