Death of the salesman? - Two old salts reminisce on door to door hustle and the lost art of relationship building

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Welcome back to the CRO Spotlight Show! In today's episode, Jim Wexler joins the show and we dive into the realm of sales and the importance of genuine connections in the modern business world. Jim shares his insights on salesmanship, the art of building relationships, and the challenges faced by Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) in today's highly competitive market. 

From pioneering gamification to creating memorable experiences, Jim's journey will inspire you to rethink your approach to sales and prioritize meaningful connections over transactional deals. Get ready to explore the power of human connection in sales, right here on the CRO Spotlight Show. 

[00:02:17] Friend supports struggling bartender by entrusting clients.

[00:04:51] Jim brought me in to sell, and together we sold Hispanic media all over the country. I learned everything from you.

[00:09:07] Young people selling; being authentic sells.

[00:12:16] Sales is important for organizations, despite objections.

[00:13:30] Salespeople build relationships and persuade effectively. Art is gone; prospecting is delegated.

[00:18:00] Competition is slim, so belief is crucial. Preparing and researching online make it easier.

[00:19:54] Selling meaningless products is a valuable skill.

[00:25:03] Connection, likability, purpose, autonomy - differentiators in Zoom calls.

[00:29:04] Human relationships are valuable in a mechanized world.

[00:32:48] Relationships are valuable, not just transactions.

[00:36:36] Close bond, entrepreneurial mindset, innovative products

[00:39:37] Short attention spans drive success in relationships.

[00:41:56] Successful promotional business orders and delivers 3,000,000 items. Also offers gamified training simulations, effectively mimicking real-world experiences. Still a revolutionary and effective business.

[00:44:19] Effective graphic novels capture imagination of audiences.
Death of the salesman? - Two old salts reminisce on door to door hustle and the lost art of relationship building
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